Astrological Calendar 2022 for any time zone in the World. Void of Course Moon, planetary ingress, retro Mercury, major aspects of the Moon and planets in smart design.The calendar covers the period from the 1st of January to the 31st of December and includes:- The Moon sign on daily basis and its meaning- Void of course Moon for any timezone of the world - Daily Moon and planetary aspects - All planets’ ingress into zodiac signs - All planets’ retro & direct position during the year - Major aspects of the planets - Planetary ingress into a new zodiac sign on a month timeframe screen - New Moon, Full Moon & eclipses on the main screen - Every day Ephemeris (UTC midnight) - 2022 Key points chart covering planetary ingress, retro direction and eclipses- Smart design of the app- Calculations based on professional License of Swiss Ephemeris - European & the USA data format - Blue sky or each zodiac sign background.If you wish to try the app out before purchasing the subscription for 2022, you can download the free version of the Sky Calendar 2020 or 2021.